
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Marion Jones Olympic Cheater
Marion Jones is a great runner in the track and field for the Olympics and has three gold medals and two bronze as a total of five medals. She is happy to have received these five medals ,but she has a dark secret on how she won these five medals which has led to her great fall from the Olympic podium to a prison. She had cheated to get these medals. When she was in the federal courthouse she admitted to everyone that she cheated to get the she has and when she did, she had to be thrown in prison. What she did to cheat was she took a special performance drug that had helped her win the five medals ,in which she has to give them up. People can easily go from total success down to total failure and what Jones did was one of the biggest falls in history and people could do the same if they cheated to win something that is probably not worth it.  

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